Reviewed by: K. Subramanian, The Hindu (August 8, 2015); Lior Zemer, Intellectual Property Between Conceptual Diversity and Traditional Harmony, 6(2) Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property 273 (pp. 273-80) (2016); Swaraj Paul Barooah, 38 European Intellectual Property Review 585 (pp. 585-87) (Vol. 9, 2016); Susanna Leong, 2016 Singapore Journal of Legal Studies 385 (pp. 385-89) (2016); JanewaOseiTutu, 47 International Review for Intellectual Property and Competition Law 999 (pp. 999-1002) (2016); Weijie Huang & Yahong Li, 14 Indian Journal of Law & Technology 70 (pp. 70-76) (2019)
Republished in India by Oxford University Press, Foreword by Mr Shri Jairam Ramesh, Honorable Minister of Rural Development & Drinking Water and Sanitation, (Invited to join the official delegation to the WTO meeting in Seattle in 1999). Reviewed by Patent and Trade Disparities in Developing Countries, Book Review by Professor Yogesh Pai, Ministry of HRD Chair on IP, National Law University, Jodhpur, 5 Jindal Global Law Review 1, Apr. 2012.Patents in the Cause for Development, by K. Subramanian, The Hindu, (Jan. 7, 2013),
Book Chapters
(Paul Torremans, Irini Stamatoudi, Peter K. Yu, Bernd Justin Jütte, ed.) forthcoming, 2024.
(Julian Chaisse & Christoph Herrmann ed.) Oxford Univ. Press, 2023.
(Lisa Biersay, Peter Yu, Thomas Pogge ed.) forthcoming, 2023.

(Srividhya Ragavan & Amaka Vanni ed.,Routledge Press, 2021).

(Srividhya Ragavan & Amaka Vanni ed., Routledge Press, 2021).

Gregory J. Battersby; Charles W. Grimes, Wolters Kluwer Law & Business, 2015.

(Ruth L. Okediji, Margo A. Bagley eds., Oxford University Press 2014).

(Laurence Helfer, Graeme Austin, ed., Cambridge University Press 2010).

(Lawrence Watters ed., Carolina Academic Press 2004).
Ragavan’s books include Patents and Trade Disparities in Developing Countries
Reviewed by: K. Subramanian, The Hindu (August 8, 2015); Lior Zemer, Intellectual Property Between Conceptual Diversity and Traditional Harmony, 6(2) Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property 273 (pp. 273-80) (2016); Swaraj Paul Barooah, 38 European Intellectual Property Review 585 (pp. 585-87) (Vol. 9, 2016);Susanna Leong, 2016 Singapore Journal of Legal Studies 385 (pp. 385-89) (2016); JanewaOseiTutu, 47 International Review for Intellectual Property and Competition Law 999 (pp. 999-1002) (2016); Weijie Huang & Yahong Li, 14 Indian Journal of Law & Technology 70 (pp. 70-76) (2019)
Republished in India by Oxford University Press, Foreword by Mr Shri Jairam Ramesh, Honorable Minister of Rural Development & Drinking Water and Sanitation, (Invited to join the official delegation to the WTO meeting in Seattle in 1999). Reviewed by Patent and Trade Disparities in Developing Countries, Book Review by Professor Yogesh Pai, Ministry of HRD Chair on IP, National Law University, Jodhpur, 5 JINDAL GLOBAL LAW REVIEW 1, Apr. 2012.Patents in the Cause for Development, by K. Subramanian, THE HINDU, (Jan. 7, 2013),
Contributions to Books

(Srividhya Ragavan & Amaka Vanni ed.,Routledge Press, 2021).

(Srividhya Ragavan & Amaka Vanni ed., Routledge Press, 2021).

Gregory J. Battersby; Charles W. Grimes, Wolters Kluwer Law & Business, 2015.

(Ruth L. Okediji, Margo A. Bagley eds., Oxford University Press 2014).

(Laurence Helfer, Graeme Austin, ed., Cambridge University Press 2010).

(Lawrence Watters ed., Carolina Academic Press 2004).